On Point With: Loosey LaDuca

A very fierce competitor and memorable alum from “RuPaul’s Drag Race’s” 15th season, Loosey LaDuca is well known for her musical chops (with a hit song to prove it), Broadway flair, sidesplitting comedy and competitive tenacity. Could you think of a better “Rocky Horror” Frank N. Furter to grace the stage? Neither can we, so meet us in Fire Island this month to watch her slay the role! [Cover photo: Josh Astor]

Thotyssey: Hi Loosey, thanks for chatting today! I wanted to first ask you if you had time to see some celebrity looks from the recent Met Gala?

Loosey LaDuca: Thank you for having me! As far as the Met Gala; I know this isn’t a fun answer, but I didn’t pay much attention to it this year. I feel like with everything going on in the world, especially in Palestine, the Met Gala just seemed like a gross celebration of wealth to me. I will say though, my good friend Howie B created a stunningly beautiful piece for the incredibly talented Broadway performer J Harrison Ghee!

Also on the subject of Broadway, are you able to see a lot of musicals there or elsewhere?

I don’t get to see shows as often as I would like to, but I get to Broadway as much as I can! I am especially excited about the Cabaret revival being in New York, and not just because my sister Marcia Marcia Marcia is in it! I was lucky enough to see this production on the West End when I was in London last year, and it is beautifully haunting and impeccably done.

[Photo: Haley Varacallo]

Now’s as good a time as any to shower you with some much-belated praise on what a fun single “Let Loose” was, and how successful the Andrew Barret Cox / Jan Sport / Lemon remix was. Did it’s success surprise you… and do you have any plans for new music in the future?

Thank you so much! The success of “Let Loose” really snuck up on me! After the interesting version we heard on the first episode of Drag Race, it really disappeared. But then all of the sudden it burst into a viral hit, and I’m very grateful! I always joke that I won’t get paid unless I perform “Let Loose.”

Music is one of my first passions, and I’m thrilled to say that I am in the final stages of finishing up an album right now. It’s going to be a very different sound, and I’m excited for everyone to hear it!

I just went down a YouTube “RUbbit” hole, revisiting some of your greatest hits from your turn on RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 15: that lovely drag daughter / matching looks challenge where we could see you really bonding with and caring for the woman you were partnered with, a great bit as Dolly Parton in a group skit, that fantastic lead role in the RuSical, and of course your glorious “Snatch Game” Joan Rivers! Does anything stand out to you as favorite moment of filming?

One of the greatest gifts I have from my time on Drag Race is the friendships I was able to make. I’m very close with the majority of the girls. “Snatch Game” was certainly a highlight for me. I had dreamt of making Ru laugh with my Joan for years, and it felt like an out of body experience when it was actually happening.

Did you ever do, or have any interest in doing, a whole Joan Rivers impersonation show?

Absolutely! Before doing Drag Race I had performed standup as Joan for several years. I’d love to have a touring show where I get to bring her back to life!

What’s been your favorite city or country to perform in since Drag Race?

I absolutely fell in love with London the first time I performed there. It’s got so much history, breathtaking architecture, theatre, etc. I adore any time I get to spend there, especially since I have so many UK sisters I’m close with!

I appreciate your whole “it’s not that serious, it’s drag on TV” attitude when discussing having a “bad edit” while on the show, or when being asked about beef with other cast members. Do you think it’s wild how serious and dramatic the fanbase can be in their appreciation and scorn of Drag Race?

Oh mama, don’t even get me started. The fandom is simultaneously the most rewarding part of the shower, and the most frustrating. We wouldn’t have a show without the fans, and I am lucky enough to have some of the most down to earth, ride or die, cool ass fans out there. However, there is a very toxic part of the fandom that will argue to death that they know what happened on the show more than we do, which is just ridiculous to me. Enjoy the show, have your opinions, but keep them to yourselves. I promise that sending us your critiques and death threats isn’t going to make your day any better, Mary.

Mistress Isabelle Brooks has teased you (and many, many others) on her podcast a few times! Are you gonna go down there and straighten her out on air, lol?


Speaking of podcasts, I was surprised to see / hear Luxx Noir London crying while expressing her sadness about not winning the crown on a different, recent pod. Can you relate to that expression of disappointment that she and maybe other cast members felt, or did you feel differently when it was your time to leave the show?

I absolutely relate to my Luxxington’s disappointment! This competition means the world to us. We put our heart, soul, mind, and wallets into this incredible opportunity, and for it to end without getting that win is devastating! It’s much easier after the fact to enjoy the opportunities that the show brings us–but when it’s happening in real time, it’s hard to see the big picture.

[Photo: Taylor Miller]

One thing your season will always be remembered for was a surprisingly large percentage of Connecticut based cast members, including yourself! The state does have a few popular queer and drag venues, and of course there’s the Sky Casper brunches… but what is so totally fierce about CT drag, in your opinion?

What I love about the CT drag scene is that it is incredibly diverse. We don’t have a signature “Connecticut drag style” because we’ve got every kind of performer you can think of! It’s a very supportive scene that is rapidly growing, and really celebrates creativity. I’m extremely proud of being from CT, and I can’t wait to see how it continues to grow.

You’ll be at one such venue on Saturday May 18: the Trevi Lounge, for a Fairfield Pride show!

Oh, this show at Trevi is going to be wild; I’ve done shows there since over ten years ago! Trevi is the first place I ever premiered Joan. Trevi is the first place that was ever dumb enough to trust me carrying a tray of drinks (I dropped the entire thing). It’s a really fun venue that I’m excited to return to.

Are you still living in Connecticut when you’re not traveling?

I am still in CT! I’ve moved to a bigger city, but I decided to remain in CT for at least a little while. I love traveling to and working in LA and NY, but neither really strike me as somewhere to live. We’ll see where me career takes me–but for now I’m happy to be near my family.

Do you have any favorite New York queens, or NYC venues that you’ve performed in?

New York has an immense amount of talented divas. A few that come to mind are Kiki Ball-Change, Pissi Myles, and Suddenly Audrey just to name a few.

On May 25th and 26th, you’re going to be at Reflections in the Fire Island Pines for a special presentation of “FRANK,” Boy Radio’s Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast as… who else… Frank-N-Furter! This is gonna be amazing!

Yes, I’m so excited about this show! I’ve been in full productions of Rocky Horror twice before–once portraying Columbia, which was super fun. I adore Rocky Horror, and I’d love to play Frank in a fully-staged production at any theatre (you hear that producers? Call me!). But I’m thrilled to be performing with this amazing shadowcast on Fire Island. And it’ll only be my second time on the Island! Gonna pack every crop top I own.

What else is coming up for you?

Keep an eye out for me at various conventions–including one that hasn’t been announced yet (wink wink)–and the Connecticut Horror Fest on Sept 21-22. My album will be dropping this summer, and you may see me on a different kind of stage very soon!

Very exciting! Okay, finally: What’s your dream musical theater role?

I have lots… but let’s go with Frank in Rocky Horror, and Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors (and not just cause Jinkxy is doing it!)

Thanks, Loosey!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Loosey LaDuca’s upcoming area appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Check out her merch and stream / download her music on multiple platforms.

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