On Point With: Salina EsTitties

Currently dropping (actually good) tracks, serving exciting live shows all over the world (including Pride Week in NYC) and preparing to mark her territory in Podcastland, “RuPaul’s Drag Race” S15 Golden Boot winner Salina EsTitties is a Survivor who had to overcome many hardships to be the winner she is today.

Thotyssey: Happy Pride, Salina–Los Angeles had its Pride earlier this month! We’ve seen so many RuPaul’s Drag Race alums and other well-known drag queens with established career relocate to LA in recent years. You’ve been a California Girl the whole time… has this landscape changed a lot with all these “new” additions? And in your opinion, is it wise for all these ladies to be making that big move?

Salina EsTitties: Oooooh yes! She is a California girl, through and through! LA is a very expensive city to live in. When visiting it can seem like it’s the place to be, and there’s something going on every weekend….which, yes it is, and yes there is! Unless a queen truly has a dream of working in TV and film, has the right agents, knows the right hands to shake, and got that hustle to deal with the nuances of the day-to-day here; I say, stay home. Haha!

As a RuGirl, we get the privilege to travel the world–and honestly, a lot of girls who make the move to LA are barely in town. I say, do what makes you happy… but if you got a three bedroom house with a yard in TuckaHoe USA, baby save your coin and come out here to work or party on your off-week! I have seen the landscape shifting due to an influx of RuGirls.

Though she comes with her challenges, I think it’s amazing that drag is where it’s at today, and that there are so many girls able to make a living through this art.

You’re putting out a lot of really fun bangers in the music world (with sexy videos, of course), like “BOOTZ” and recently “PAPI!” Lots of RuGirls go the music route, but few produce songs like these! I know you have a musical theater background–but was recording pop songs always a part of what you did, or wanted to do, pre-Drag Race?

Oh Em Gee, thank you! I absolutely love the content I’m producing, and so happy to hear people feel the same. Becoming a recording artist was never part of the plan! I had created “STFU Karen” during the pandemic, but I was just having fun and dipping my toe in the pool. At the end of the day I’m an entertainer and performer.

During the airing of my season of Drag Race, I performed on so many Pride stages in front of huge crowds lip syncing other people’s music, as a drag entertainer does. But I remember seeing Shea Couleé headline Chicago’s Market Days last year; she performed her original music with two dancers, a Beyonce fan, a microphone, and full out choreography. I stood in the crowd and thought, “Bitch, I could do this….why am I not doing this?”

I set out on creating my EP Homegirl shortly after that. I curated the EP with the intention of performing it live on Pride stages, so that way the following Pride year (when it’s no longer the hype of my own Drag Race season) I had something to offer that stood out come Pride booking time.

Also, getting to integrate my individuality, culture, and LA Latina experience in my music is what makes my work stand out in my opinion. High energy, storytelling, performance-driven music that makes you shake your culo! What I love the most is that the music is just very me.

As a musical theatre major I always felt too “non-Disney” for the musical theatre world. I’m always just a little more off-center than your everyday twirling tenor theatre twink. In this way I’m able to utilize my learned skills, but in this lane that has no rules or boundaries. Like, I have a half naked daddy in a Disney-esque Cartoon Character head throwing ass in a thong…like, Hi. You’re very welcome. LOL Theatre. Drag. EsTitties.

“Dora the Explorer” TikTok sensation Nick Trawick appeared in the “BOOTZ” video! Did you know Nick before the filming?

I didn’t know Nick before the video, actually! When I landed on the Dora vibe I knew I had to ask the Dora parody influencer, Nick Trawick, if they’d be willing to be in my video. It’s very important to me that I highlight, collaborate with, and utilize my platform to uplift talented queer people of color. I was very grateful Nick was willing to help bring my vision to life. He’s a hustler and comedy / social media genius.

Some time has passed now since you competed in the 15th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. These days, what stands out as a favorite memory from your experience of filming that show, and / or watching yourself on it when it aired?

Time is just flying by! Honestly, when I think back on my experience, my favorite part of being on the show was getting to walk on to set every morning, and having a moment to myself in the workroom. I’d sit on the couch and stare at the giant portraits of Ru on the walls and the sound stage rigging / lights just above that people don’t see on the TV. I would meditate and center myself before the day began, and was so, so very grateful that life had brought me to that point. It was truly a dream come true; that felt correct. True alignment with myself and the universe. Just me and the iconic pink walls.

You and your cast members won an Emmy for Outstanding Reality Competition Program! How amazing was that whole experience? Did you all get your own statues, or do you all share custody of one, lol?

Haha, uh, no. The queens don’t receive a statue, but we do bragging rights. And of course the privilege of getting to attend The Emmys! Like, come on, we were the best dressed there. Queens truly don’t get enough credit for how full out we are in all departments. Mwah! Haha! I think what was really cool about the Emmys was it was truly the last time our cast was gonna be together in one place. I actually curated a show the following day called “Titty Friends,” so my entire cast was able to perform and celebrate together one last time. I bought fake statues and handed them out to each queen after their numbers, and allowed them all to give an acceptance speech for their “Emmy.”

You sent so many girls home in the “Lip Sync For Your Life” showdowns, proving that you’re one of the show’s fiercest performers. And you didn’t always rely on stunts, either! Was it the motivation to stay on the show that made you go so hard, or is it just natural for you to give it your all each time you perform?

I am a full out, “bull in a china shop” kind of girl. I’m an actor first and foremost. I’m always going to feel the assignment deep in my pussy and perform.

I’ve seen you describe the hardships you endured leading up to the show, during filming, and after the show aired. What is the secret to getting to the other side of all that and living a life of positivity?

I think I was hit with so much negativity in my personal life during filming / airing / reunion that there was no other option for me than to turn to positivity. It was that or suicide. No joke. I’ve been sober and in recovery for over 12 years. Never in my life, not even overcoming crystal meth addiction, could prepare me for the mental mindfuck I experienced post-filming with my family life. From my mom passing away, my partner relapsing on meth, my grandma passing away, I was like… Hello? I was stepping off a plane in London to do a meet and greet for hundreds of fans and it was like, okay, this isn’t what this is supposed to look like.

I had to do some reflecting around that time in my life, and when I did I saw a hurting little boy who needed to be reminded of who he was. Ultimately, all I have ever wanted to do is inspire and entertain. I’m a good time gal that wants you to love yourself and tirando culo. So now I look back on that time, and it is a great reminder that positivity can be a choice and it can be inspiring to others… and that’s always what I want to be.

It’s so admirable and inspiring that you’ve been sober for well over a decade after battling drug addiction. I know many sober people in the nightlife industry who keep it up even though they’re constantly surrounded by tempting substances. Was it a big adjustment to learn how to enjoy drag and nightlife as a sober person?

Ah, thanks. I got sober when I was 21 years old, before I even did drag. Actually, I went straight to the club after my first meeting. There was no way I was not going to be in my queer spaces just because I’m not partaking in the extracurricular activities. I’ve always had an infatuation with queer nightlife. For a lot of us, that’s our home… that’s our one place to be ourselves. On the other hand, it’s also a space that can trigger some major insecurities and feelings of “less than” and apartness in our own community. And that’s so sad.

I think it’s important to be an example in those spaces, where so many young insecurities and hormones are running wild. You never know who’s watching you, and sometimes you don’t even know you’re making an impact by simply being yourself. Being my true, raw, vulnerable and authentic self sober is not easy. I’ve learned to just be an example of what it looks like to be human. I do it one day at a time, and by being completely honest and vulnerable with what I’m going through, it’s usually helping someone whether I know it or not.

Would you ever return as a lip sync assassin, or even a full-on contestant, for an upcoming Drag Race All-Stars season?

I would absolutely love to… especially the lip sync assassin!

Are you still close with any of your fellow cast members?

We’re all doing our own thing and just trying to survive. It’s not easy out in these streets: bars are struggling to stay open, and brands aren’t utilizing queer people right now with the state of our political climate. It’s a hot mess…so the girls, are figuring it out, and we are busy! So yes and no.

I randomly just got to spend a weekend in Mexico with Sasha Colby. We went out on a boat with some of her friends; it was really magical. I think that’s the cool thing about being a RuGirl–we cross paths while on the road and we get to have a few minutes of “hey girl, what’s the tea” when we least expect it. I talk with Jax, Loosey and Anetra every so often. I run into my babies Sugar and Spice in LA all the time, and I’m in a group chat with Luxx, Mistress, Robin, and Malaysia–but it’s usually just Mistress trying to get tea on who’s on All-Stars, lol!

[Photo: Edgar Omar]

You famously tried out for Survivor some years ago! This season it seems they are allegedly doing an all influencer / new media cast. Do you think an all-drag cast of Survivor could work, and would you participate?

OMG, it’s my dream to play Survivor. An all drag cast would be iconic television! 25 queens stranded on an island!? That’s TV gold! Emmys, Tonys, Grammys Like…Hollywood needs to wake up. Hello, Jeff?

You were last here in New York back in February where you turned it out at Playhouse in the West Village, and at At The Wallace with Marti Cummings! Do you have favorite New York drag performers or venues?

OMG Yes! Studying NYC Drag Queens is what inspired me to really hustle in LA the way I do. First of all: Theatre Gays, like yes ma’am, hi! Secondly, the hosting / performance style of NYC is completely different than LA. I remember seeing Monet X Change and Pixie Aventura years and years ago–it was a show that featured queens of color absolutely holding the attention span of a NYC crowd for 90 complete minutes… no pauses or intermissions. I was gagged. Shout out to Marti Gould Cummings, that bearded queen, Pixie Aventura, and DJ 2Face!

On Pride Week June 27th, you’ll be taking part in a Gaybors Productions showcase called “SERVE Gotham City Party” at the W New York Times Square! Mirage, LaLa Ri, Lexington Banks, Izzy Uncut and Crymsyn will be joining you along with DJs Honey Davenport and Cake Pop!

This is going to EAT! Come hungry, because there will be no crumbs left, henny! I was just partying with my Golden Boot sister LaLa Ri two weeks ago in Mexico, and let’s just say…this show will be golden bootz! I just spent the weekend with Cake Pop in DC too… it’s gonna one hell of a show, and you might even get to tirando culo with me on stage!

Do you have any other planned gigs here? And what else is coming up for you as far as gigs, tours, projects, releases, etc?

While I’m in NYC? No! The following week I will be in Provincetown at Arthouse premiering my one woman live speed dating experience, PAPI! It’s gonna be a sexy time that I curate with the full intention of you leaving with a phone number or two in your pockets! I have a podcast in the works, and I also have a Christmas project I’m working on… so get ready to Melt The Ice with EsTitties this winter!

Lastly: what’s your favorite thing about drag?

These days, my favorite thing about drag is watching people fully committed to going on my journey with me the second I hit that stage. It’s an exchange between me and the audience member–that little moment when we’re connected to the music together… and my drag is the vehicle to that.

Happy Pride, Salina!

[Photo: Miguel Meza]

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Salina EsTitties’ upcoming area appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Download and stream her music on multiple platforms.

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