On Point With: Gia The Warrior Princess

She’s here to fight for your mental and spiritual health, and to tear the house all the way down in the process: NYC drag star Gia the Warrior Princess!

Thotyssey: Hi Gia, thanks for chatting today! How is this Pride month treating you three days in?

Gia the Warrior Princess: It’s great! The weather has been amazing. I’m here preparing For the upcoming gigs and events–definitely starting the month off with a bang. And I’m also kinda overwhelmed by the events that happened already, only three days in like you said.

It’s definitely the make-or-break season for working girls! You turn up everywhere to perform: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Astoria, Jersey… do you have a favorite neighborhood or venue to turn it out in?

What a loaded question! Lol, I’m kidding. Honestly, I love Hush in Manhattan because I like working the poles. I also like how big the stage is at 3 Dollar Bill in Brooklyn. And Six26 is always a good time in Jersey City.

What’s your drag like, for those not in the know?

My drag is honestly never in a box; I’m forever switching up my vibe. But you can always expect Gia to be fierce and theatrical, serving body, and most likely to dip (death drop) at any given moment. Voguing, Emoting, and reenacting monologues are my specialty, in my opinion. As far as aesthetic: think ex-stripper, now undercover super-spy on a mission that’s cosplaying as a supermodel. I like the idea of Gia being a modern day warrior–something like a Bond girl from back in the day–so I sometimes like to perform with fake weapons for dramatic effect, lol.

Love it all! Where are you from originally, and how did you ultimately become Gia?

I’m from Philadelphia originally, where I started performing in 2018 as Dahlia Crystal– but I couldn’t perform like I wanted to due to my living situation. So when I moved to New York City in 2020, I knew I wanted to do drag professionally. In 2021 after the pandemic calmed down and we could go out, it was right after Dahlia Sin got on Drag Race and I just didn’t want to be Dahlia Number 2 (this was my thinking at the time). I was watching the movie Gia with Angelina Jolie one day and got inspired, and really started to like the name. And that’s when Gia was born.

So I went to Pieces because I want to meet and see drag queens, and it was “Queen 4 Queen” where I met Janelle No. 5 and asked her how can I get booked. She told me to come compete at her show “Are You the Next Diva” where I performed routinely, and she eventually gave me my first booking and ever. Since then I never stopped, and started performing everywhere.

Do you have a favorite, and least favorite, thing about the business and art of drag?

My favorite thing about drag is meeting new people and inspiring them, while also being inspired by them. I love that drag allows to me have a five to eight minute moment to express anything and everything that I want to, and hearing the applause afterwards is the cherry on top. I love dressing up and feeling fabulous and famous while showcasing my feminine fantasy.

My least favorite thing about drag is the commute; not having a vehicle and carrying a suitcase and bags full of drag, while in drag, is not the tea, lol. And Uber-ing really becomes expensive after a while… but that’s showbiz. I also don’t really like that drag can sometimes be extremely political or unkind, but that’s also showbiz. So I suck it up and always continue to focus on myself, and discover ways I can improve so that I don’t always have to rely on the same people for bookings.

On your Instagram you describe yourself as a “Spiritualist, Healer and SUD Counselor.”

Basically, being a spiritualist is what I call myself as I use my platform to promote consciousness and a connection towards a higher power, the universe, and mankind. I promote meditation which allows us to connect to our higher self, higher frequencies, and our vibrations that are usually disrupted by worldly rewards and illusions we face every day.

The goal for me is to dissuade people from the cycle of hate, polarization, and confusion our society has taken upon itself to use as a foundation to keep those in power in control, instead of letting us unite as humans to live in a world based in love, open-mindedness, compassion and empathy in search of true purpose. Healing work is a bit different; it’s where I use my empathy to discern the root of people’s traumas, and discover a way to provide them with the awareness and the tools necessary to heal efficiently.

I recently finished my studies to get my CASAC certification to become a certified alcohol substance abuse counselor. That is a passion of mine, due to me dealing and discovering about my own addictions and learning not only the tools, but the science behind how one’s brain becomes addicted.

All your skills will be brought to the table in your upcoming June gigs! First off, you are performing for Stella D’oro’sVaccine-O-Licious” event at 3 Dollar Bill on June 9th, which promotes Project Achieve / Columbia Research Unit.

I sure am!

Then on June 16th, Bronx Brewery presents a drag pageant you’ll be competing in.

I was just recruited yesterday!

And you were perfectly selected to take part in the 6th Annual Bronx LGBT Expo at Montefiore on June 29th. What can you tell us about that event, and what you’ll be doing there?

It’s an amazing expo created by Jose Ramon, who died from ALS in 2020 and is now ran by my mentor the fabulous Connie Pacheco and Jomil Luna. The event kicks off Bronx Pride every year with vendors, a drag show, and a theme panel. This year’s theme is “Dismantling Stigma” where drag artist Maddelynn Hatter and I, with ballroom community members, will discuss the topic in hopes of inspiring change in the Bronx community.

As well as being a panelist member, I was granted with the duty of handling the entertainment portion this year: hiring queens, performing, and making a setlist is what I’ll be doing.

And then on June 22nd, you’ll be at Fresco’s Grand Cantina in Astoria competing as a finalist for “Mx. Cantina,” hosted by the newly crowned Miss Stonewall 2024 Inita D!

Yes, I can’t wait to hit ’em with my best shot! I really love that venue and the owners, so I’d love to be able to represent them and work with them as their titleholder. I love the girls I’m competing with, and happy I can perform with them again after such a long time.

Okay, lastly: what’s your favorite item in your drag bag?

Lol, my Pro Filt’r Instant Retouch Setting Powder is crucial for me because I sweat so much… and it also smells so good, like caramel or cotton candy. It’s a must have!

Thanks, Gia! Happy Pride!

[Photo: Syra Sparkle]

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Gia the Warrior Princess’ upcoming appearances, and follow her on Instagram.

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