On Point With: Maxxx Tsunami

The daughter of a drag house that’s making waves in NYC nightlife, Maxxx Tsunami is ready for her solo weekly debut this spring! [Cover photo: Anthony Leo]

Thotyssey: Hi Maxxx, thanks for chatting with us today! How is January treating you?

Maxxx Tsunami: January has honestly been great! There have been a lot of things happening behind the scenes in preparation for my future. I was also very busy doing Janelle No. 5’s  pageant this month!

How did you like your “Ultimate Diva” experience?

I hated it! I’m just playing, lol. No, I loved it. It showed me that my drag can reach beyond what I thought it could. It really opened my eyes to how difficult producing a package really is! However, it was very rewarding.

She’s a pageant girl! By the way, I feel like I can’t absorb whether your name is “Maxx” or “Maxxx.” I feel like I see it spelled differently in different places! Let’s set the record straight… what’s your name, lol??

You know, it’s THE MAXXX TSUNAMI: THE TSUNAMI! Some platforms like Instagram can’t take my scrumptious ass and think I am a pornstar, lol. As a result, they won’t let me have my 3 X’s… but I don’t see why not! Sex work is work!

So this is as good a place as any to discuss your origin story: where are you from originally, and what sort of interests did you have growing up that may have led to drag?

I’m from Atlanta, Georgia! I grew up going to church and did mime ministry. Music and dance was a way to express myself emotionally. Later in life when I was expressing my queerness more, I realized drag is just like mime ministry… and I can express myself that way using those skills.

I actually never heard of mime ministry before! I see you do mime looks in your drag today; I’m guessing that’s inspired by that period?

Absolutely! Mime ministry is very heavy in the churches of the black community. Essentially–in drag terms–it’s a lip sync to gospel music, and mime makeup, lol. God Bless The LGBTQ+ and all the other letters.

[Cover photo: Anthony Leo]

What brought you to NYC, and how did you premiere as Maxxx?

Self-discovery. I think, like any southern gal, we just want to grow. We want to find our place in life. We want to leave our mark. I’ve always been Max; it’s my real name. The other two X’s came on when I slapped on that wigs and twirled for the girls. Believe it or not! “Lady Liberty” was my first time ever performing (Halloween 2021).

Nani Tsunami used to do the door at The Q during the “Lady Liberty” competition; I’m guessing that’s where the seed planted which ultimately inspired her to take you into the Haus of Tsunami?

“Lady Liberty” is where I met her. I also worked at The Q–I worked the VIP section and coat check during that time. However, she didn’t become my drag mom until she started “The Cookout.” I was constantly supporting her show, and she recognized me from that… and things just happened naturally from there.

[Photo: Bryan Clavel]

How would you describe the drag you serve today?

I am The Hood Bitch of NYC. I am very bubblegum; I’m probably wearing pink most days. I have to have stones on everything to make me sparkle. I gain inspiration from people like Nicki Minaj. My performance style is high energy and a little crazy, and I smoke weed.

You can pass the blunt around while showing all your skills for an upcoming Boxers HK show you’ll be hosting on weekly Tuesdays called “The New Wave!”

My hopes are to re-announce the show in the spring. It will be an open sets / variety show. I want to give my community an opportunity just to be seen in an area some people have trouble breaking into. We are all learning; we are the new generation, and that’s where the new wave came from.

Anything else to mention?

I am honestly working on building up my brand. I have many skills… I just haven’t capitalized on branding my skills. I’m working with my close friend Lucifer, who helps produce “BOPS” (a drag-centric party) at Boxers HK (one of my favorite parties) on Saturday, and is producing a Friday party that’s coming very soon (next month)!

I went to cosmetology school, so I want to put myself out there more because I have a skill that many drag artists don’t have. Believe it or not, many drag artists outsource the skill of styling wigs to other artists because they don’t have the time to do it or they don’t know how to. I also know how to sew; I sew everything I wear, for the most part! This year I want to capitalize on that and make it a business.

I have a lot of skills that many artists need, and it’s time for me to start marketing and branding my skills. My commissions are open! It’s time to put this PU$$Y on a pedestal!

Get those commissions! Okay lastly but not leastly… Drag Race! What are your thoughts on the cast and the season so far? Who are you excited to see, who are you excited to see leave (lol), and what’s with this immunity?

I’m excited to see Plasma–that’s my good sister! Of course I want to see Xunami, even though that bitch tried to steal my name, LMFAO! I want to see that bitch Plane Jane (a guilty pleasure, but a fake ass bitch too) leave… but honestly, stay a little bit and cause some more drama, mama!

Immunity is for weak bitches. I’m a hood bitch… we don’t get immunity. Maybe a stimi… but mother Ru ain’t that nice.

Thanks, Maxxx!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Maxxx Tsunami’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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