On Point With: Vi

This Rosemont look queen’s magical karaoke performances earned them a Best Vocalist GLAM nomination: the Hour of Vi is nigh!

Thotyssey: Hi Vi! How’s December?

Vi: December has been okay! Just been working as much as I can before the holidays start.

I hear that! So you’re a performer and event host, you create digital content… actually, how would you sum up all the things you do and are, lol?

Maybe a jack of all trades? I like to keep myself busy with the things that I do, from drag to singing to content creation!

Congrats on your Glam nomination for Best Vocalist!

Thank you so much!

Where are folks most likely to hear and see you sing?

At “Queerdo Karaoke” at The Rosemont on Mondays.

Would you consider The Rosemont to be your home bar at this point?

Oh absolutely, it’s been my home bar for a few years now.

You just hosted a monthly event there last week called “Stigmata.”

Yes! “Stigmata” is a goth party created by one of my friends, Archie! He is a photographer/ DJ, and he is loads of fun to be around. I don’t host it every time, but I cannot wait to host again!

Tell us a bit about where your from originally, and how you began as a singer and artist.

So I’m from Pennsylvania originally, and I moved to NYC around 2017 or 2018… but I have always been a singer and cosplayer. As for drag, I started in February of this year.

Gag! Tell us about your digital media content… what’s fun to post?

I love posting my drag looks, plus my cosplay content. I have been a cosplayer for about 14 years! So I always love to post progress images, and also full-fledged photoshoots. The editing process is the most fun for me, making everything look perfect.

What’s been your favorite cosplay look so far?

Ah, there have been so many. But I love anything big and gory-looking for my outfits. I did a monster with four arms that is possibly one of my most proud cosplays.

How did the drag start, and how would you describe your aesthetic today as far as your looks and numbers go?

My drag started from me watching my friends who are also queens perform at their parties also at The Rosemont; Victoria Holiday and Vena Cava actually helped me start my drag along with motivating me! And as far as my aesthetic, I love a glamorous punk look: blond bombshell with a vampy lip, all the belts and harnesses I can add to something! As for numbers, I actually have performed in drag only once… and that was right in the beginning. I see myself as a look queen.

Do you have a cute Glam look planned yet?

I do! I plan on recreating the Met Gala look from Zendaya that was inspired by Joan of Arc!

By the way, how cool is it that fellow Brooklyn monsters Jay Kay and Dawn are now on Dragula and Drag Race, respectively?

Oh, it’s amazing! I have known Jayjay for a little over a year and a half now, and they are the sweetest person. And Dawn is incredibly talented; I’m very happy for the both of them!

Good luck at the Glams, and hope to see you sing at The Rosemont one night! Let’s end with: what do you want for Christmas?

Honestly? I can’t think of anything that I need. Hopefully enough resourses to get by… that’s all I can think of.

That works! Happy holidays, Vi!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Vi’s upcoming appearances, and follow them on Instagram and Twitter.

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