On Point With: Mambiché

While also serving gorgeousness on stage, this artist’s knack for capturing the gorge of her nightlife sisters on camera has just won her a Best Photographer GLAM nomination! Sharing her name with a barrio in her former home of Puerto Rico, Mambiché is now slaying the New York scene down!

Thotyssey: Hi Mambiché, thanks for chatting with us today! First of all, many congrats: you’ve just been nominated as Best Photographer in this year’s Glams, and so has a party you’re a part of: “ByLatinQueers!”Amazing! How excited are you?

Mambiché: I’m mega excited and happy about the nominations–my first ever Glams. And receiving two noms was very exciting. A little recognition like that makes you feel like you’re on the right track!

I bet! And well deserved. In Brooklyn where most of your gigs are, do you think you are known more as a performing drag queen or as a photographer?

As of right now, I think as a photographer. Photography is what opened much more doors to me–and fast, as I’ve only been doing nightlife photography for about three months, but I’ve been doing drag for one to two-ish years. I do think now it’s shifting over to drag, but photography will always stay being my thing.

[Photo: Alvin Remus

Are you a native of Puerto Rico, and if so were you pursuing any sort of art or performance interests there?

I was born and raised in the Bronx when younger, but lived in Puerto Rico for a very long time. And yes, I went to college to study photography in PR… so I’ve been shooting for a long time!

Did you return to New York for family… or just because it’s NYC, lol?

I actually came to NYC to take care of my grandma–and just cuz, lol! Needed a change of scenery as well.

Understandable! It was fun watching you and your Puerto Rican drag sisters perform at Bushwig this past summer: Victoria Holiday, Vena Cava, Warhola Pop, and Eros Hedonista. When you were living in PR, did you know them or see them perform there ever?

Yes Victoria, Vena, Warhola and Eros form the House of Rica, and I did know them already back home. Eros and me used to be roommates, and I’ve met the other three through PR nightlife! So when we all moved to NYC, we banded together immediately.

[Photo: Alvin Remus

It looks like you were originally serving bearded beauty, but you’ve since become a Shaved Sis!

Oh OMG, yes! I used to just be like a makeup gay, and I kept my beard, lol. But when Mambiché started I shaved it off. I couldn’t get the beard to work like I wanted it to in full drag.

How else might you describe what your drag is like today, as far as looks and performances go?

Fun! I just try to look sexy, and I want everyone to have a good time when I’m on stage. I like my drag to be an escape for me and everyone; like, you had a shitty day or week, but you forget all of that and just dance and have fun when I’m on the stage! I try not take make Mambiché too serious, lol.

[Photo: Alvin Remus]

Tell us more about “ByLatinQueers,” the now Glam-nominated Thursday party that you and a few other rotating queens host at The Rosemont! How did that come about, and what’s the vibe like for those not in the know?

Vena, Victoria and Roqué wanted to make a Latin night where only Latin music is played and any performers and DJ do Latin music. Rosemont has a lot of Latin patrons, so they loved the idea–they gave the girls Thursday night! And it’s been so fun; I feel that party is gonna be around for a long time!

I actually shot the first promo for “ByLatin” and did the anniversary shoot, which Rosemont framed one of the pictures of and put it up in one of the bathrooms, lol! It’s been so fun to see how many people take a picture with it and tag everyone. I usually perform there whenever someone calls out or is booked elsewhere; I’ve been doing the past three months filling it for Roqué, who’s been out of commission due to an injury.

You and Victoria are also fixtures of The Rosemont’s new Friday party, “GLOW!”

Yes, Rosemont approached me and Vicky to take over Fridays! We came up with this blacklight UV paint party. The Rosemont went through a whole redecoration; they allowed us to paint pretty much everything, and did some glow paint murals! it’s very techno and party-focused; we don’t even perform. And the turn out and reception have been amazing, I’m so happy! Rosemont has really let us run wild, lol, and I think it’s paying off! You have to make an appearance one night and get your glow paint on; to all the divas out there, let me know if y’all wanna come… I’ll list you, lol!

And tell us a bit about your photography today. Are you mostly an editorial / studio shooter, or do you also bring your camera to events and take on-the-spot shots?

I consider myself a portrait photographer, mostly. It’s as of the last couple of months when I started taking my camera out with me and shooting events and parties. I always try to take portraits of the girls when I’m out as well, which is what I believe caught everyone’s eye; the divas love a good portrait for IG, lol!

Are you already thinking about the looks you’re gonna serve at the Glam Awards?

Uff, not at all! I haven’t put any thought into it yet… if there’s one thing I’m gonna do, it’s procrastinate, lol!

Looking forward to seeing you there! Okay, lastly: what do you want for Christmas!?

A rich man!

I’ll have what she’s having! Happy holidays, Mambiché!

[Photo: Alvin Remus

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Mambiché’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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