On Point With: Apollo

The GLAM-nominated gogo dancer is a true entertainer through and through, and he’s mixing it up for us in projects yet to come… feel the fire of Apollo!

Thotyssey: Thanks for chatting with us today, Apollo! First off, congrats on your well-deserved GLAM nomination for Best Gogo Dancer! Is this your first?

Apollo: This is actually my second nomination! I got nominated this past year for Best Gogo as well!

Other than being gorge, what do you think it is that makes you stand out as an erotic dancer?

The ability to blend two different energies. I have an infatuation with combining masculine and feminine energies in my dance and performance that many find unique.

Serving multiple fantasies at once! What’s a song that, if it comes on while you’re performing, you know it’s gonna be a lit night?

“Rush” by Troye Sivan — dancing in a room with a bunch of sweaty bodies plus that song puts me into a character, baby! Probably the closest song that showcases my energy, to be honest.

How do you prefer audiences to behave with you when you’re performing? Obviously tips are the main thing, but do you get turned off by handsiness?

Not really a fan of handsiness; I find my dancing to be like a crowd cheerleader. I see myself as more of vibe keeper than being touched by people I don’t know. Hopefully that makes sense.


[Photo: Matthew Mills]

So where are you from originally, and how did you begin as a performer / artist?

I’m from Charlotte, North Carolina, and artistry and music ran in my family. Most are musicians like myself, but dancing was something that I found of interest. So I spent an entire summer working and saving up for dance lessons. Then that following year I trained, and the year after that earned a spot in one of largest visual performance ensembles in the world called Carolina Crown… which gave me the knowledge and resources to move to the Big Apple.

Did you want to be on Broadway?

I did at the time. But being multifaceted, I wanted to extend my artistry even more… and that’s where nightlife came in!

How did you discover that world… and when did you start calling yourself Apollo?

I moved to NYC during the pandemic, and didn’t know many people. So I went out alone a lot once the clubs started opening back up, which eventually lead to building my network that I work with now!

And I’ve always admired the name “Apollo”; something about it always resonated with me. Actually while in college, in my literature class, I was reading about Greek mythology and read that Apollo was known as a multifaceted God, being skilled in poetry, music, dance, and light–elements that are the core of who I am. So it only made sense for me to change my name, and start going by it.

[Photo: Greg Endries]

Besides dancing, you’ve also produced and hosted events in the nightlife scene. On that side of things, what’s been your favorite experience?

My favorite experience so far has to be when I was selected as a host with Horse Meat Disco. It’s a dream team, and I’ve had a such a pleasurable experience with them.

I see you’ll also be in the house for the return of Dahlia Sin’s party “Hard Serve,” which will now be weekly at The Spot in Hell’s Kitchen starting this Friday! Drag Race favorite Jujubee will be there, too. That’s exciting!

Oh, absolutely. “Hard Serve” provides more spaces for people of color, which is certainly needed more than ever right now! When Dahlia reached me, I said that without a doubt I had to be a part!

And at Red Eye NY on December 10th, you’ll be headlining a showcase called “Folie’s Banjié!”

Yes, it’s a queerlesque show! I wanted to highlight all identities in our community from trans, to POC, to non-binary–and the beauty of sexuality that all of them bring. It’s meant to be sexy, funny, political, and artistic. Lots of splits, jumps, and fun music that everyone will love. The last show we had was packed, and a major hit.

What else is coming up for you?

Oh my gosh! I mean there are so many cool projects I’ve started to work on. But for now, you can catch me at the upcoming Horse Meat Disco’s in 2024. I also had the privilege to be asked to perform at 54 Below alongside several other talented Broadway artists on January 15th at 7pm!

Congrats on everything! Okay lastly: as nightlife seems to be going through some sort of transition phase post-lockdown, what’s something you’d like to see happen in the scene?

More authenticity and community! Connecting with others is a superpower I realized I have, and it’s something that many people are needing right now. The world is tough now… so more connection and community is what I want to see!

Thank you, Apollo!

[Photo: Gaystrychef]

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Apollo’s upcoming appearances, and follow him on Instagram.

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