On Point With: Acacia Forgot

A prolific singer / songwriter and in-demand designer / wig stylist to boot, Cali-born queen Acacia Forgot is about to go full country with a new weekly show in Brooklyn!

Thotyssey: Hello Acacia, happy mid-October!

Acacia Forgot: And happy mid-spoopy season to you, too!

It’s a crazy time… Quarantine Halloween is of course right around the corner, and it’s only two weeks until the Presidential election!

Life is so exciting–and very scary–at the moment. There’s so much stress from the election and a large work load; however, there’s so much excitement from upcoming garment and wig commissions, and new shows I’m a part of!

Describe for us a day in the life of Ms. Forgot.

It’s a lot! I typically wake up at, like, 7 from my new puppy barking, and I’ll usually play with her to wake myself up. And then I start working on styling wigs or sewing all day, until I go to bed around 1-2am.

[Photo: Austie]

Do people ever want an entire outfit / wig look from you at once, or is it always one or the other?

Most of the times it’s just one piece, and it’s typically hair commissions. However, I’ve had a few full looks lately! And I’ve been preparing my Halloween hair and lewks that I’ve been posting!

Were sewing and styling always part of your skill set by the way, or did that come with drag?

My mom is a seamstress, so it’s in my veins!

And, is there any one piece you’ve created or styled that you are the most proud of?

I think my two favorite pieces are my Iconic finale gown, and my 80’s prom dress I made for my birthday a couples weeks ago! I’m also pretty proud of the concepts I came up with for Halloween.

So before we dive into your upcoming shows, tell us a bit about where you’re from, and how you grew up and evolved into a creative / musical person.

Oh, we’re goin’ way back! I was born and raised in San Jose, California and grew up in a pretty religious and conservative home school community. I was home schooled from kindergarten to graduation! I was always super into piano and songwriting growing up (I come from a very bluegrass family). I then went to college for Music Therapy at University of North Dakota, because I have a lot of family in the Midwest. That is where I acknowledged that I was gay and started doing drag.

How exactly did you discover drag?

I really got into it through Drag Race. However, I remember when I was a kid–like, not even a teenager yet–I used to watch Sherry Vine’s music videos and Coco Peru on YouTube! I didn’t even know what exactly it was, but I was so obsessed with them and would show the videos to my friends. They all thought I was crazy!

Then a drag King [in North Dakota] named BJ Armani took me under their wing and booked me in their monthly drag show at the American Legion–can you believe that!? It was the only drag show in a 250 mile radius, so it was a big deal. About a year later is when I moved to NYC for a music therapy internship, and I have been breaking into the scene since. I just celebrated my three year drag anniversary!

I think it’s safe to say that many came to know you from being a strong contender in 2019’s cycle of the challenging Iconic drag competition at Astoria’s Icon Bar.

I would say the same thing! It was a great experience. Up until that point, I never had too many sisters in NYC. It gave me the opportunity to become so close with so many people, which was my biggest take away from the whole experience!

I was really moved in your final performance, when your dad and brother joined you on the stage to help you perform an original bluegrass number that paid tribute to the season! It was so sweet and affirming to see your family had come all the way to NYC, and were supporting you like that.

Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! Yeah, I was getting in drag for Iconic two weeks before the finale, and I was on a group call with my parents in California and my brother in Wisconsin. They decided on the spot that they were all coming, and bought their tickets right then! Knowing they were going to be there really pushed me even harder to make them all proud.

How much music have you composed over the years?

I’ve written over 100 songs, and have been writing a lot in quarantine.

Wow! Might we see an Acacia album in the future?

I had plans and hopes to release music this year, but Covid had other plans… so maybe next year!

I’m guessing you’re a fan of Trixie Mattel.

Yes I am! She’s definitely been an inspiration, since we have similar ascetics and country music aspirations.

One thing that must be a little annoying for you is people saying that you look like Paige Turner, especially when you’re in big blond hair. Not that Paige isn’t one of our loveliest queens, but no queen wants to be told by so many that she looks like another queen!

Haha, yeah! I get Paige Turner, Trixie and Willam a lot! I mean, I would like to just be known as and compared to myself… but I get it! I’m even guilty of doing it sometimes, too. But I definitely see a resemblance. I think it’s the nose!

That brings us to your upcoming shows! First off, you’re no stranger to virtual drag, having just hosted that prior-mentioned Instagram birthday show earlier this month… Happy Belated, by the way!

Thank you, thank you!

And now on Friday, October 30 you’ll be part of Amanda Pörq’s large digital cast for The Frocking Dead on YouTube, where you’ll be showing off your spooky lewks!

Yes, I am so excited for that show! I’ve made four Halloween looks that I’ve already started posting, but a couple of them are going to be highlighted in the video! I’ve seen some pieces of some numbers, and it is such a diverse group of humor and horror… it’s great! I’ll be sticking to my 80’s roots, and am doing a mix of a famous ghostly movie from the 80’s.

But first, you’ll be making your return to live in-person shows this Thursday night at Brooklyn’s outdoor venue Now & Then! Buck Off will be a weekly country-themed show you’re co-hosting with fellow prairie lady Kanga Roo, plus special guests Islaya and Nasty Queen.

OMG, I’m so excited for this! This is my first show that’s not just a guest spot! There’s not many country shows in the city, so we will be giving the spotlight to the women of country with a wide range of country music, live music, original music, and several other tricks up our frilly little sleeves!

What else do the children need to know?

Just, if there’s anyone out there looking for cute, styled hair, I’m available!

Heard! Okay, in closing: who or what is your favorite Halloween monster / killer, etc.?

OMG, haha! Probably Slimer from Ghostbusters! I relate to that!

Don’t we all! Thanks, Acacia!

[Photo: Austie]

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Acacia Forgot’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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