On Point With: Virgo Rising

This cosmic comedy queen on the come-up is the perfect First On Point of 2024: Virgo Rising!

Thotyssey: Happy New Year, Virgo! How did you ring in 2024?

Virgo Rising: At 3 Dollar Bill with my best friends and a whole bunch of other gays. Seeing Gia Gunn smoke a blunt on stage was a highlight.

A serve! Do you take stock in things like New Year’s resolutions or starting the new year with a clean slate, etc.?

Oh, absolutely! I like to give myself goals, as opposed to looking at them as something to fix. My big goals are to put my money where my mouth is with my creativity, and to spend more intentional time with the people I love.

All good things! How might you describe yourself as a drag performer today?

Virgo Rising is like every PTA mom’s rebellious angsty daughter. I’m a comedy queen at heart, so I like to perform numbers that are campy… but would definitely make your mother blush.

Let’s hear a bit of the origin story: where are you from, what sort of creative things were you always into, and how did drag start for you?

I’m originally from a small town in northeast Ohio. I’ve always been a painter, and as a reformed Catholic I always loved the things I couldn’t do… like makeup. And that is where I got a lot of my inspiration for drag. I’ve learned to appreciate my new canvas (my face) through drag! I started drag about a year ago because I was inspired by the community, and seeing how some of my senior sisters would hold space and safety for queer people made me want to be a part of it as well.

What are the joys and challenges of being a young queen in New York, the drag capital of the world?

The joys outweigh the challenges for sure, but it truly is so competitive; I feel a bit burnt out sometimes going to open sets and doing competitions non-stop. But that’s also where I find joy, because having to constantly push hard to be remembered and captivating is what inspires a lot of my numbers. Being a baby queen in NYC is great, if you’re willing to try new things and push yourself to experiment.

You performed strongly in the recent cycle of Yasmeen Kennedy’s “Get Schooled” competition at VERS, making it all the way to the finals! You really got to show off your comedy and multimedia chops in that. Was it all a good experience for you?

It was an amazing experience! I really wanted to showcase quintessential Virgo in as many ways as possible, and I feel I did that! Though I didn’t win, I’m incredibly proud that I brought comedy to every performance. I love drag because it is what makes me laugh and forget about the stress of the world, so being able to do that in the “Get Schooled” finale was incredible.

You”re hosting a show on January 3rd at a Club Cumming! What can you tell us about “D.R.A.G.?”

“D.R.A.G.” is exactly what the name implies — a good old classic drag show. I wanted to put together a night of debauchery, ridiculousness, and amusement because that is what I love about drag. There will be lots of jokes, games, and good vibes. I’m so excited to be hosting it with my sister Shaneeda Bump, because she is just as rotted at me… and it’s gonna be a ki! Club Cumming is also an amazing space for audience connections and crowd work, so expect to be part of the show when you attend.

And on January 10th, you’ll be taking part in the latest installment of Julie J’s massive drag benefit series at 3 Dollar Bill, “Stand Up NYC!”

Yes! I’ll be hosting, so make sure to say hi if you see me. I’m so excited to be a part of it; Julie J is not only such an inspiration from her performances, but her kindness is unmatched. Truly one of the most genuine and warm people I’ve ever met. “Stand Up NYC” is going to be in the queer history books one day, I just know it.

What else is coming up for you?

I’ll be at Cobra Club on January 13th for a Simple Life watch party and drag show with some of my standup comedy friends. But outside of that and my Club Cumming gig, I’ll be at the corner selling my stuff as usual… and hopping into standup comedy open mics and drag open sets!

Okay, lastly… who are you excited to see on Drag Race this season?

I’m rooting for all the NYC artists of course… but especially Amanda Tori Meating because she kicked my ass so many times at “Drag Wars” at Pieces Bar.

Thanks, Virgo!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Virgo Rising’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Instagram.

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