On Point With: Juicy Jay

Our current reigning Mr. Rockbear came out of his shell and entered the nightlife realm quite recently. Now he’s bringing sexy looks and moves to one of beardom’s busiest weekends. Keep thirsty for Juicy Jay!

Thotyssey: Hi Jay, thanks for chatting with us today! Summer is (theoretically) almost over… how did the season treat you?

Juicy Jay: I had a blast this summer. Met a lot of cool people, had some fun gigs in and outside the city.

You serve gogo bear realness! Do you always love the attention, or do you sometimes have to work your way into that mindset… like if you’re having a shy day, or something?

Can’t be shy in this business, I suppose! But there are some days where I don’t want to be as social. I love attention, though–so if I know I’m not mentally there, a sexy outfit can do most of the work, lol… and some mirror affirmations.

Do you have a favorite thing to wear while you’re performing?

All depends what kind of party I’m at. But I love a singlet with the ass out–[it showcases] all my best features, and frames the body.

So are you a native New Yorker?

No I’m a Jersey Boy, live in Jersey City. But NYC is a part of me.

You’re also a painter and illustrator… were you always into that?

Yeah, I’ve always been a visual person. Creating is my form of expression. I had a career change almost 10 years ago– I used to be a teacher–but went back to school for my BFA in illustration.

How did you come to find yourself in the bear party world?

It’s only been a little over a year, but I promised myself out of the pandemic that I would put myself out there; I would dress better, and I would stop being a wallflower. I was offered a gogo gig at a “Bears’ Night Out” party at Rockbar. I had a blast, and people responded well to it and it open the doors to a whole new world. More than that, it allowed me to love my body.

So much of bear culture is about body positivity and community, right?

I think, while not a perfect subsection of the community, the bear community has become this space for people of all sizes to show off and be their true selves.

When you are at a bear event now, does it feel like you basically know everybody?

I’ve gotten to know so many people through bear events, so I’d say I know a good amount of people in our local scene.

What made you want to compete for Mr Rockbear… and how did you enjoy the experience?

Rockbar is a special place to me–it’s the first bar I went to when I came out. It’s always shown me kindness; I’ve met some of my closest friends there. So I wanted to keep representing that kindness for this community. I was nervous, but I loved sharing a part of myself with people. It was also great listening to and learning from other contestants on how I can be a better person for our community. Also… the attention is nice, lol!

Have you had any favorite moments during your Mr. Rockbear reign this year?

[I enjoyed] ringing my sash with me to places outside of NYC, and representing Rockbar. But also the opportunities that it had allotted me–being able to work with other nightlife folks.

You’ve been regularly dancing at The Urban Bear party “Bear Naked” at Phoenix Bar, which will happen twice this month! Alotta McGriddles hosts that. What’s that night like?

Yeah, I am the resident dancer for that as well as one of the hosts. “Bear Naked” is great; it’s a place for everyBODY. It celebrates anyone and everyone that walks through the door. We have a diverse cast of dancers that changes every month, as well as some good drag with a lot of our great NYC girls. For the naughty peeps, there is a nice lil’ playroom. This month we have a double feature of “Bear Naked.” We are celebrating the 15th annual Urban Bear Weekend, which is kicking off Thursday. And in October, our party is turning one year old… should be exciting!

Tell us where we might also find you this Urban Bear Weekend, or beyond!

I’ll be at Phoenix Bar on Friday for the after party of the bear boat cruise. Sunday I’ll be dancing at the Urban Bear Street Festival, and I’m at Phoenix again Friday, September 29th.

And there’s another recurring event you’re a part of, at Rockbar.

Yes, you can also check me out at Rockbar every second Friday of the month along side Alotta McGriddles and my wife Harriet Tugsmen for our party “Crotchshot.” And I have some fun stuff plan for the future, and am excited for that to unfold.

Last question: in light of this year’s Mr. Eagle quickly approaching, do you have any plans of competing in another leather / bear competition in the future?

I want to keep growing and learning in this community, and I would love to compete on a larger stage in the future. Mr. Eagle is on my goal list when I’m ready. Maybe next year!

Thanks, Jay!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Juicy Jay’s upcoming appearances, and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

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