On Point With: Scarlett D. Von’Du

The drag daughter of a pageant star / RuGirl and a fresh-faced, can’t-keep-your-eyes-off-her slayer of nightlife NYC stages all her own, Scarlett D. Von’Du is here to Du the Thing! [Cover photo: Aughty]

Thotyssey: Hi Scarlett, thanks for chatting today! July is almost over, how did the month treat you?

Scarlett D. Von’Du: The month of July was Amazing! I was able to get so much accomplished around the city. I hosted a show for the first time in Hell’s Kitchen, and I am having the July installment of my show “Choices” on the 26th. At the end of this month, I’ll be headed to Pittsburgh to perform in various shows.

Yay! I caught your performances that landed you in the top two at Hush Bar’s “Tournament of Champions” that Janae SaisQuoi hosted—you’re such an electrifying performer! How did you enjoy the experience of that competition?

Thank you! I feel like that competition was like no other in the city! It was a short time commitment, and every competitor was a powerhouse; there was no weak link! It felt incredible to be competing against and included with some of NYC’s most talented performers.

Your drag mom is of course The Widow Von’Du, who is both pageant and Drag Race royalty. Do you generally approach your own drag from that very pageant, polished, poised angle?

Oh, 100%! Everything I do (unless it’s a lip sync battle) must be completely thought out and polished. Now, there’s always room for improv and spontaneity in my performances, but I usually have a clear Point A and Point Z before I step my high heels on a stage.

Can you tell us a bit about where you’re from, and what sort of things you were interested in while growing up?

I am from Kansas City, Missouri which is where I formed my passion for the performing arts. I grew up performing in local theatrical productions, which led to me pursuing my BFA in Musical Theatre from the University of Central Missouri. Shortly after graduation I was introduced to the local drag scene–thus Scarlett was born!

And how did you come to be a Von’Du?

There was a bar competition in Kansas City that Widow hosted. She saw me perform over the course of the competition, liked my tenacity, and eventually invited me to join her haus!

Widow did well on her season of Drag Race, even though she admitted to getting in her own way a little–how could you not? Wouldn’t it be great to see her on an All-Stars season, though? And, do you have Drag Race aspirations yourself?

It would be amazing to see her back on television competing for the All-Stars crown. Surprisingly, I have yet to submit an audition for Drag Race. It is such a huge undertaking and so life-altering, I want to feel completely ready before I venture down that path. I’d love to be on the show; I think I would bring such a unique and fresh perspective to the competition. Anything is possible!

What made you want to come here to NYC… and how do you like being a City Girl so far?

I always had aspirations of the big city! My best friend and I actually made a promise to each other that we would get out of our small town and live in New York. I always knew that this is where I belonged! I love being a City Girl. I’ve been blessed that the scene has welcomed me with open arms. Nightlife here is like no other!

True that! If someone was to describe what a Scarlett stage performance and look are generally like, what should be said?

It would be the pristine glamour of Dominique Devereaux, with the edge and grit of Megan Thee Stallion.

Tell us more about “Choices,” your new show that premieres at Pink Metal in Brooklyn on Wednesday!

It is the only show in NYC where the audience gets to choose the numbers for each queen. The idea originated from my best friend Candice Marie back in Kansas City. It is a fantastic time! We never know what we are going to get. I may be dressed and ready for a Tina Turner number, and the audience may choose for me to do “Baby Shark.” The show tends to be very unpredictable!

What else is coming up for you?

There are a couple of things coming down the pipeline that I’m not allowed to talk about just yet. But what I can say is to keep your eyes glued to my Instagram for announcements of new projects and shows in the coming days! For now I’m continuing to produce “Choices” and performing all around town!

Very exciting! Okay lastly: what is your favorite thing about drag…. And your least favorite?

My favorite thing about drag would have to be how it brings together creativity and community! It bridges so many gaps, and brings all walks of life together. My least favorite thing about drag would be… getting into drag! I am such a perfectionist that everything has to be just right, otherwise I’m spending hours sitting in my mirror meticulously mulling over which eyebrow is higher than the other.

We all appreciate the effort! Thanks, Scarlett!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Scarlett D. Von’Du’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter .

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