On Point With: Trouble

This “Latina Princess” and Brooklyn drag star on the rise will have you looking for Trouble all the time!

Thotyssey: Hi Trouble, thanks for chatting with us on this Bad Air Quality Tuesday! How has your week been so far?

Trouble: Hello, thanks so much for having me! The air today is awful, but kind of smells good, lol! My week so far has been nice; just getting ready to start my upcoming gigs for Pride!

You’ve been a busy bee in the local drag scene these past few months! I see you were previously an Arizona queen… how long have you been here?

I moved back in January! Once I moved here, I went out as much as I could to network and meet the queens. I did a lot of open sets as well! I’ve thankfully gotten to be so busy because of all of that work. It’s been so fun and so exciting to see how much it’s all been paying off; it makes me so eager to keep going and wanting to do so much more!

Is Arizona your original hometown?

Yeah, I’m from Tucson! Back at home, I did drag full time; I had my own monthly drag show called “Looking For Trouble?” and I also hosted trivia every Tuesday!

How did you start drag, and what inspired your name?

I always knew I wanted to do it coming from a dance and performing background–I just never did. But I worked for a company that wanted a work drag show, and I decided to perform… and literally haven’t stopped since. That was back in 2019. I didn’t start doing it professionally and full time until 2021!

I got my name from the artist Teddy Sinclair, formally known as Natalia Kills–she has an album titled Trouble! It’s such an amazing pop album that perfectly describes me! The sound is, like, gritty pop–which I feel Trouble is very much that! I also live for a one name vibe–it’s so iconic to me.

What would you say are some key differences between Arizona and New York drag?

The drag scene in Tucson specifically isn’t as big as New York scene, and I will say it’s a lot more on the pageant side of drag, while New York gives more current and forward thinking drag! There are a lot of establishments where you can showcase drag here. Where I’m from it’s a lot smaller, so you have only have about two or three places that can actually house drag.

How did you find yourself among the Brooklyn dragons, and how might you describe your drag today?

I would say I fit right in; I feel like this scene is filled with so much amazing talent and hard working queens, that it just feels right to be here right now. I think the fun part about drag is the ability to be ever-changing! Since I moved here, I really feel like I’m at a point where I can see the results of hard work. My makeup hasn’t looked better, and my performance is so strong right now! I’m so inspired by the talent here, so it’s making this a fun transitional period. This is only the beginning of my New York takeover!

Let’s talk about where folks can find you this summer! First off: “Night of 1000 Britneys” care of Nicky O and a huge cast of Brit stans at 3 Dollar Bill on Thursday, June 15! How amazing is this gonna be…. and what’s your favorite Britney Era!?

It truly is a moment in my career, being such a big Britney doll! I definitely would have to say I’m a toss between Blackout mixed with In The Zone! Truly unmatched albums!

You’ll be back at 3DB for the Pride Saturday Madonna party, in the yard with Nicky and company. That should be fairly epic! Do you wanna see her when she comes through to NYC, or did you not have $2000 lying around?

Lol, sadly no. Madonna is queen though, so I’d love to! We’re just celebrating all the gay icons this pride!

You’ll be paying tribute to another icon that same night: Shakira, at All Night Skate! She’s one of the greats! Do you have a favorite number of hers… and Dear Lord, how could any man cheat on her!?

She’s definitely a legend! I love “She Wolf,” that video and the choreo in it were so monumental at the time! And I completely agree, she looks insanely amazing always! Literally never ages.

Is there anything else coming up for you?

As of now, just trying to finish Pride! It’s only the beginning though, I’m not sure what the next few months bring… but definitely it’s going to be further and further!

And lastly, what is your favorite and least favorite thing about drag?

My favorite thing about drag is living in whatever fantasy I want to. Also, performing! It’s so fun to entertain! My least favorite thing is getting out of drag–it truly is the worst. You want to snap your fingers and it’ll be all off and you’ll be in bed… but it takes a process!

Thanks, Trouble!

Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Trouble’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Instagram.

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